Friday, February 11, 2011

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Pink and Green!!!

Here's a little Spring for you!

With matching bracelet... this was a first for me!

The necklace is approximately 16" in length and the bracelet is approximately 8" in length.
I will be happy to adjust the length if necessary.
$17 on the etsy shop

Thanks for looking!


Cross Earrings

I made these for myself and I LOVE THEM!!!

I wore them to work one day and got a request for a custom order!

Friday, February 4, 2011

Children's Jewelry

I was sitting here looking out the window watching the snow and I decided I needed to make something "Spring-ey" to liven my mood a bit. I couldn't come up with ANYTHING to suit me, so Jaina (my 2 year old) and I were just messing around counting beads and practicing colors and this is what we came up with. She LOVES that she helped me make one just for her!

Sorry about the quality, but my little model likes to hide and play peek-a-boo with the camera... :D

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Brown Set

I don't make a lot of brown jewelry, but I think this one turned out nice.

$15 on the etsy shop

For Teresa!

Here you go... custom made JUST for you!!! Enjoy!

the detail...